62 Mott Street, 3rd Floor

New York, NY 10013

(212) 226-3320

(212) 226-3321

紐約華僑學校校友會成立 新聞發佈會
Establishment of the New York Chinese School

Alumni Association Press Conference
at Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (CCBA) 

​New York Chinese School (NYCS) Alumni Association was officially established on Saturday, January 6, 2018 with the appointment of William Liao as the President, along with John Yuen, Annie Huang, and Winnie Chan as the initial core members of the Alumni Planning Committee at a Press Conference. Serving as the bridge between NYCS and its alumni, the Alumni Association provides a platform for our alumni’s to connect with one another, to strengthen their sense of belonging to their alma mater, and to further the development of the School.

​Please contact us by calling NYCS, at (212)-226-3320, or via email at

​      紐約華僑學校於2018年1月6日召開新聞發佈會,正式成立僑校校友會,由會長廖家祥,及阮源禧、黃翠萍、陳素萍三位校友組成核心小組,共同策畫發展方向。作為僑校與校友之間的橋樑,校友會成立的目的是希望以此為平台,聯絡校友之間的感情,加強校友對母校的歸屬感,協助僑校的進一步發展。

      校友們可通過撥打本校電話212-226-3320 與校行政聯繫或電郵至 
alumni@nychineseschool.org 加入校友會。