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1. 加入Google Classroom
Link: https://classroom.google.com/c/NTQyMTc1MzQ3MTgw?cjc=maigs5t
Class Code: maigs5t
2. 錄影-18個單詞
3. 完成工作紙

1. Join Google Classroom
Link: https://classroom.google.com/c/NTQyMTc1MzQ3MTgw?cjc=maigs5t
Class Code: maigs5tStudents need to use his/her own email or parents' email to join the Google Classroom. Please DO NOT use the DOE email or email with the domain of "schools.nyc.gov" to join the Google Classroom. It will not be able to be accessed.  
2.  Record (audio/video) when you read aloud the 18 vocabularies.
3. Complete the worksheet (Color the emotions)


1. 錄影-5句句子和3句俚語
2. 畫畫-和家人一起飲茶

1.  Record (audio/video) - use the sentence pattern “我中意食___。(fill in one of the Dim Sums we learned today)” to create 5 new sentences AND 3 slang (slides 21,23, and 25 - 3 times each).
2. Drawing - a picture of Yum Cha with your family

1. 錄影-7句句子 (參考Slide 42)

​1.  Record (video) - use the sentence pattern “呢個係___。(fill in all the 7 tableware words we learned today)” to create 7 new sentences. (refer to slide 42 - parents can help to prepare the tableware)
2. Complete the worksheet (What tableware would you use to eat the following foods?)


1. 錄影-7句句子
1.  Record (video) - use the sentence pattern “我有___。(fill in all the 7 stationery words we learned today)” to create 7 new sentences. (parents can help to prepare the stationeries)

1. 錄影-唐詩《春曉》
2. 抄寫 「春[ceon1]花[faa1]草[cou2]蛙[waa1]蟲[cung4]」 五次

​1.  Record (video) - poem《春曉》
2. Write「春[ceon1]花[faa1]草[cou2]蛙[waa1]蟲[cung4]」five times with Jyutping


1. 錄影-古詩《清明》

1. Record (video) - poem《清明》(refer to the slides 54)