62 Mott Street, 3rd Floor

New York, NY 10013

(212) 226-3320

(212) 226-3321

  • 2018年


畢業於50年前紐約華僑學校日班小學第四十四屆畢業同學(1968年)捐獻專款,汰換校園內各樓層飲水機,讓全校師生有㓗浄健康的飲用水。1968年校友們慷慨奉獻專款美金七千元,經校長王憲筠建議下購置最先進的飲水機模組計4組。此舉發起人Mary Chan、Nancy Lee及Ed Wong 也認為學校基礎設備的提升有助於學生學習的心情。6日下午並在中華公所會議室舉行餽贈典禮;紐約華僑學校由譚麗華老師指導之舞蹈班學生並獻上舞曲,感謝大學長姐們的奉獻。

 校長王憲筠表示,紐約華僑學校校友人人出類拔萃,在社會各階層擔當重責重任,除感謝1968年畢業校友們慷慨義行回饋母校外,並祝福校友們身體健康,平安喜樂! 王憲筠為提升紐約華僑學校品質,除以實際行動結合主流大學,提升教學品質外,在打造整潔校園工作上,全校同仁不遺餘力。目前飲水機汰換計畫,讓健康飲水美夢成真,全校師生歡欣不已。



Metro World Child 到紐約華僑學校與小朋友歡渡聖誕節

大都會國際兒童事工[佳節盼望計畫]日前已在PS124小學、PS 2 小學活動圓滿成功,今15日上午10點30分在紐約華僑學校五樓體育場舉行。受到全場300多位小朋友的熱烈歡迎,全程興高采烈,歡樂聲洋溢整棟華僑學校。藉由此活動的舉辦,小朋友可以學習到奉獻及服務社會的精神。

Metro World Child 大都會國際兒童事工是一個全球性的人道組織,每週服務近十萬名兒童。該組織於1980年由比爾威爾森牧師所創立,總部設於紐約布魯克林的中心,我們目前在紐約市超過200個地點進行各項課程節目。在紐約市每週接觸超過2萬個孩子,以活潑生動的方式,將聖誕節的由來,告訴每一個4 到12 歲的小朋友。同時也在菲律賓、羅馬尼亞、南非、肯亞、印度、秘魯、海地及哥倫比亞等地運作著。佳節盼望計畫不僅在紐約也在世界各地跟孩子們分享,聖誕節真正的意義。



紐約華僑學校鼓樂隊(Crimson Kings Corps)於9日在五樓大禮堂舉辦2018年學習成果演出,提前歡渡聖誕節。紐約華僑學校鼓樂隊成立於1950年代,是美東歷史最悠久、負盛名的亞裔鼓樂隊,致力於青少年音樂及表演藝術的養成。 樂團秉持著中華公所的理念,為發揚傳统文化和社區服務之理想而設置。每年參與知名的社區及全國性的演出活動,並獲奬無數,受到民眾熱烈的歡迎。每一位學員對於穿着红色金裝感到自豪及驕傲。校長王憲筠致詞表示鼓樂隊的斐然成就是靠著傑出老師辛苦的指導、熱情家長的支持,加上同學們的辛勤練習而來。鼓樂隊目前共有36位學生成員,其中包括在校生及大紐約地區慕名而來8至22歲青少年。指導老師由隊長Brian Ong 副隊長Vincent Veloso、Lynn Chao、Jennifer Huang、Sara Juarez、Marisa’s Ulie等6位組成,每星期日在華僑學校五樓大禮堂練習。藉此機會頒發感謝狀給指導老師,表達由衷感謝之意,尤其義工老師David Chan(前鼓樂隊隊長) 多年的黙默奉獻,值得敬佩。當日表演節目琳瑯滿目,除鼓樂隊精彩演出外,節目另包括僑校舞蹈班的古典花燈舞、鼓樂校友聲樂歌手Teresa Hui、鼓樂隊成員Justin Cheng 表演Chinese YO-YO等;在場並有義工媽媽及鼓樂校友協助園遊會義賣鼓樂 T shirts 等紀念品,超人氣的華埠雪糕行並招待百位學生及家長,鼓樂師生們在熱鬧氣氛中提前歡渡聖誕佳節。

紐約華僑學校鼓樂隊教職員/ New York Chinese School Crimson King Staff  
照片一:教練Sara Juarez、Marisa Ulie、Jennifer Huang、
提前歡慶聖誕佳節 僑校鼓樂隊學習成果演出
大紀元日報:華僑學校鼓樂隊 鼓樂演出慶聖誕 


New York Chinese School 2018 Storytelling Contest 


參賽者均自信滿滿地展現自我實力。初中組Selina Mei 題目為感恩,其中提到其爸媽為新移民家庭,家長日夜不繼的辛勤工作,讓人感動萬分。另目前在華僑學校學習中文的五姐妹之一高中組Lee Berat 感恩母愛,提到由於其母親為了要讓他們學習到中華文化,所以她們姊妹們從小沉浸於中文,讓她有機會瞭解東方文化之美,她非常感恩她的媽媽。


The New York Chinese School Storytelling/Speech Contest was held on Sunday, December 1st at our Fifth Floor Gymnasium. Fifty-six students divided into four divisions (first through third grade, fourth through sixth, middle school, and high school) competed for first, second, third, and honorary mention, respectively. Following countless hours of memorization, practice, and guidance from their instructors, participants shared their stories with an anticipative body of parents, fellow peers, and administrative faculty. Each performance was met with fanfare—an expression of acknowledgment to each courageous student willing to grace the stage.

Following the contest theme of "Thanksgiving," Selina Mei of the middle school division voiced her appreciation for her immigrant parents who worked tirelessly to provide for her education. Lee Berat of the high school division, whose four siblings are also enrolled in New York Chinese School, expressed her eternal gratitude to her mother who afforded them the opportunity to appreciate the beauty and mystique of Chinese culture and education from an early age.

Principal Wang believes learning the Chinese language is an inherently challenging endeavor, much less learning it as a second language. Therefore, she believes every student who took to the stage is worthy of praise and encouragement. Moreover, the purpose of the event transcends competition, principally serving to reinforce or pique children's interest in Chinese culture and language. Principal Wang regards positive learning environment, value-creation, and by extension, methods to pique interest in the language and culture as paramount to her strategic vision and direction. 

All things considering, the 2018 Storytelling/Speech contest was well attended and received by parents, faculty, and peers alike.

New York Chinese students taking STAMP Test at Hunter College 
紐約華僑學校與主流接軌:首辦紐約州雙語認證(The Seal of Bi-literacy)考試

紐約市公立大學亨特學院中文部與紐約華僑學校合作推廣華文學習菁英計劃。是項計劃係美國國防部為具中、英文雙語背景學生設計的語言行動方案之一,期了解紐約在地中文  x學校學生的學習成果。本案計劃主持人係亨特學院中文部主任趙德麟,協同主持人包括講師胡冰穎及李明穎等人。該計畫免費提供紐約華僑學校學生於11月10日(星期六)參加由美國Center for Applied Second Language Studies (CASLS) 研發的標準化語言能力測試- STAMP,高中生測試通過有機會獲頒紐約州雙語認證(The Seal of Bi-literacy)。是項測驗目前報名參加者年齡層9 至16歲,本校學生計80人,浩浩蕩蕩地搭乘租賃的2輛校車前往亨特學院應考。參加的對象分為二個級別:第一層級四年級至七年級;第二層級是八年級至十二年級。該測試提供中文正體版本,評估考生聽、説、讀、寫四項語言技能。由於是國家型測驗,規格專業且嚴謹,結果除了客觀了解參試者中文能力的水平外,並且讓學生自覺其語言進步的成就感。另,對於學生申請大學入學方面具正面效益。 第一次STAMP測驗說明會業於10月13日下午於紐約華僑學校舉行,當日獲得在場的學生及家長熱烈歡迎,學生及家長們紛紛踴躍提問,並當場報名以支持是項考試。另, 家長們並感謝Hunter 大學及紐約華僑學校校長王憲筠給予參加這次測驗的寶貴機會。本年度測驗名額有限,星談計劃10人、國防部支持亨特大學中文領航30人外,其餘名額給予華僑學校學生。趙德麟教授表示由於與王憲筠校長合作多年,非常高興將機會提供給予華僑學校學生。學生們將於一個月後獲得測驗成績單。王校長對此,謹代表全校師生感謝有此寶貴機會參與是項國家型測驗,並期待未來可建立長期合作關係。

The New York Chinese School is proud to cooperate with the Chinese Division of  Hunter College to promoted STARTALK infrastructure project, fund by National Security Agency and U.S Department of Defense. This program enables students to measure their understanding of Chinese taught in Chinese School throughout the country. This project was led by the Chinese Division of Hunter College Professors Zhao and Ms. Bing Hu. This project gives students an opportunity from the New York Chinese School to take the STAMP test for free on November 10, 2018. The Seal Biliteracy certificate will be given to those students who pass the STAMP test. Students who registered for this test is average from 9 to 16-year-old. Consideration to students safety, Principal Wang greatly announce Student will take School Bus as one of the transportation tools to Hunter College for the test. STAMP test will compose two levels: the first level is for the students from 4th grade to 7th grade, while the second levels are from 8th grade to 12th grade. The STAMP test, administered in traditional Chinese, and is a way to test the student ability to listen, read, write, and speak in Chinese. The examination will help students understand their level of proficiency in Chinese, foster an inner sense of language learning accomplishment, or bolster their candidacy in their college application process.

The STAMP test workshop takes place on October 13 afternoon at New York Chinese School, During the workshop many parents and student show their gratitude toward this amazing infrastructure project led by Hunter College, also during the STAMP test workshop many parents and students show their enthusiasm by posting many questions to Ms. Bing who is one of the Chinese Teacher from Hunter College and many parents and student show appreciation to Principal Wang and Hunter College for this great opportunity to take this exam . The seat for this exam is limited, STARTALK only has 10 persons, Department of Defense support Chinese Division of  Hunter College has 30 people, while the rest of the seat give it to New York Chinese School. Students will receive their grade around in about one month. Principal Wang expresses her honor to represent New York Chinese School to take this test that recognizes by the country.


New York Chinese School hosting the first annual Halloween party and fortune cookies event.
紐約華僑學校主辦的第一屆萬聖節派糖及幸運餅🥠(fortune cookies)活動,深獲學生喜愛。

我校學生提前應節變裝,開心歡渡萬聖節 [🎃]

不給糖就搗蛋 華童街頭要糖忙

In the spirit of Halloween, Mr. Eric Ng, President of the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (CCBA), donated candy and fortune cookies to all 1,200 students at New York Chinese School. Principal Wang spearheaded the effort in distributing candy across every afterschool and weekend class. During the distribution process, Principal Wang expressed her gratitude to Mr. C.S. Wong, founder of Wonton Food Inc., who donated $50,000 to New York Chinese School earlier this year, and CCBA Chairperson Mr. Eric Ng, who initiated the Fortune Graduation Fund on March 28, which states that each high school graduate or middle school graduate shall receive a scholarship of $1000 and $300, respectively. The funds shall be allocated from his salary of $29,800.

Happy Halloween!

[Below]: Our students pose in SPOOK-tacular costumes

New York Chinese School Celebrates Taiwan National Day | 紐約華僑學校鼓樂舞龍慶雙十

紐約中華公所主辦中華民國雙十國慶大遊行,10日下午在曼哈頓華埠舉行,數千民 眾參加,近60支隊伍分成六組從勿街出發,繞行華埠一周,場面熱鬧壯觀。
雙十國慶愛國大遊行堪稱每年華埠最壯觀的遊行之一,也是中華民國國慶當天由中 華公所主辦的一系列慶典活動的重頭戲。當日各組遊行隊伍前方,先有
舞龍舞獅團隊帶頭,敲鑼打鼓帶來喜慶氣氛,吸引許多路過的民眾駐足拍照。 在浩蕩的遊行隊伍中,與會嘉賓也揮舞著中華民國小國旗,向周圍民眾打招呼,
遊行過程中還一路播放歌曲「中華民國頌」,伴隨著巨大的青天白日旗飄揚。 駐紐約台北經濟文化辦事處處長徐儷文及中華公所主席伍銳賢擔任總領隊,
率領來自大紐約地區的各個社團,從位於勿街(Mott St.)的中華公所出發,沿著堅尼路 (Canal St.)、包厘街(Bowery)、東百老匯(East Broadway)、擺也街(Bayard St.)
等路線遊行,最後返回中華公所。 遊行隊伍安排紐約華僑學校舞龍隊及鼓樂隊等表演,

學生們為了國慶大遊行,精心排練將近一個月,24個學生參加舞龍隊, 26位學生在鼓樂隊表演。「他們都是自願參加,而且並非第一次參加遊行,都擁有豐富的表演經驗」.
華僑學校的鼓樂隊有將近65年歷史,參加表演的學生都非常重視雙十國慶遊行的表演機會。 2018/10/11 華埠慶雙十60支隊伍千人大遊行.

The Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association was the host and principal organizer of the annual Double Ten Parade in Manhattan's Chinatown on October 10, 2018, which celebrated the 109th Anniversary of the Republic of China (Taiwan). An upwards of 1000 participants from 60 troupes/organizations, divided into six groups, set off from Mott Street and paraded through the prominent streets of Chinatown: Canal Street, Bowery Street, Bayard Street, East Broadway, Mulberry Street, etc. The various dragon/lion dance troupes in the parade made a spectacle for tourists and local passerby alike. Guests and dignitaries who walked in the parade
gleefully and proudly waved Republic of China flags while greeting surrounding spectators.

A statement from Principal Jennifer Wang:

New York Chinese School's very own students participated in the Double Ten parade: 24 of whom participated in the dragon dance team, and 26 in the Crimson Kings Drum, Fife, and Bugle Corps. "Our students are all voluntary participants, and many have participated in years past. They all received rich performance experience." The New York Crimson Kings has a proud history of 65 years and student members value the annual opportunity to perform in Manhattan's Chinatown during Taiwan National Day.

Hunter College Information Session for STAndards -based Measurement of Proficiency Test
與主流接軌:首辦紐約州雙語認證(The Seal of Bi-literacy)說明會
紐約市公立大學亨特學院中文部與紐約華僑中文學校合作推廣海外華文學習菁英計劃。是項計劃係美國國防部為具中、英文雙語背景學生設計的語言行動方案之一,期了解中文學校學生的學習成果。是項語言計劃主持人係中文部主任趙德麟,協同主持人係講師胡冰穎及李明穎。該計畫免費提供紐約華僑學校學生於10月27日(星期六)參加由美國Center for Applied Second Language Studies (CASLS) 研發的標準化語言能力測試- STAMP ,高中生測試通過將頒給紐約州雙語認證(The Seal of Bi-literacy)。是項測驗目前報名參加者年齡層9 至16歲,達50餘人,人數持續增加中。參加的對象分為二個級別:第一層級四年級至七年級;第二層級是八年級至十二年級。



The New York Chinese School is proud to collaborate with the Chinese Division of Hunter College to promote STARTALK Infrastructure Project, funded by the National Security Agency (NSA) for bi-literate students. This program enables students to prove their handle on material taught in Chinese School in the form of the
STAndards-based Measurement of Proficiency Test, developed by Center for Applied Second Language Studies at no cost to them! The New York State Seal of Bi-literacy certificate will be awarded to every student who passes the STAMP test when they graduate high school. 

The STAMP test, administered in traditional Chinese, is a way to test the student ability to listen, read, write, and speak in Chinese. The examination will help students understand their level of proficiency in Chinese, foster an inner sense of language learning accomplishment, or bolster their candidacy in their college application process. 

Crimson Kings Perform at P.S. 20 in Flushing Ahead of Taiwan National Day (Double Ten)

是美東歷史最悠久、負盛名的亞裔鼓樂隊,致力於青少年音樂及表演藝術的養成。 該組織是附設於紐約華僑學校之非盈利青年藝術機構,樂團秉持著中華公所的理念,
為發揚傳统文化和社區服務之理想而設置。其成員是 8-22 歲的青少年,每年參與知名的社區及全國性的演出活動,並獲奬無數,受到民眾熱烈的歡迎。每一位學員

The New York Crimson Kings Drum, Fife & Bugle Corps, established in the 1950s, is the oldest and most honored Asian-American drum corps on the east coast
dedicated to youth development through music and performing arts education. The Corps has been dedicated to preserving rich musical traditions and the ideals of community service as a non-profit youth arts organization based in the heart of New York’s Chinatown. While offering a quality music activity for youths ages 10-22, they proudly perform at shows, ceremonies, and parades every year throughout the tri-state area. It has been a second home and family for the scores of members to have proudly worn the Red and Gold.

Members of the Crimson Kings, lead by Marissa Gould Ulie and Jennifer Huang, performed at the Republic of China's 107th Anniversary celebration at P.S. 20 in Flushing, Queens.

照片 (下):升旗典禮合影包括中華公所主席伍銳賢、台山寧陽會館元老伍籍伴、開平同鄉會主席鄧學源、中華民國僑務委員黃仕初、

Confucius Ceremony 2018 (September 23, 2018)

感謝中華民國僑務委員會從台灣空運至紐約的八佾舞精美服飾及道具,我校學生得以習得八佾舞之美及中華文化的博大精深。感謝僑務委員戴松昌團隊Thomas Brown
and Jonathan Brown 擔任我校八佾舞之指導老師。由於他們的辛苦指導,讓我校學生有機會學習八佾舞。


A statement from Principal Wang:

I am incredibly proud and awed by spectacular performances of all the students during the ceremony!

We welcomed honored guests and dignitaries including Ambassador Lily L. W. Hsu from the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New York, our executive
board members from seven family and civic organizations in the Chinatown community—Hoy Sun Ning Yung Association, Lin Sing Association, On Leong Merchants Association, Hip Sing Association, Chinese Chamber of Commerce of New York, Chinese Freemasons, and Chung Kuo Kuo Min Tang—Senator Brian Kavanagh, and Assemblymember Yuh-Line Niou at Confucius Ceremony 2018, organized by New York Chinese School/Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (CCBA).

Thank you Overseas Community Affairs Council (OCAC) for providing the paraphernalia/costumes for our "Bayi Wu" dance, and therefore the opportunity for our students to
embrace Chinese Culture. Thank you, Jonathan Brown and Thomas Brown for your painstaking effort in coordinating and instructing the "Bayi Wu" dance!

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to our dance teachers: Ms. Li Hua Tam, Emily Li, and Wen Hua Yu, as well as to our Chinese teachers: Ms. Hsiu Tam, Ms. Sue Gao, Xiao Lan Jiang, Yu Bin Zou, Lian Ping Qi for orchestrating and rehearsing Confucius' "The Great Together" 《禮運大同篇》 in such a short time.

Finally, I would like to thank CCBA President Mr. Eric Ng, Special Events Coordinator Gary Tsai, Secretary Matthew Mui and his team, who provided tremendous guidance to myself and NYCS, our faculty and student body, and distinguished local and overseas guests for their attendance.

Financial Workshop Courtesy of East West Bank 金融演講 (華美銀行)

本(2018)年9月18日華美銀行區域經理張穗聰(Katherine Zhang)及特助Jessica Weng到本校做專題演講:小朋友如何理財。內容生動活潑,獲得本校學生的熱烈歡迎及迴響。本校校長王憲筠致歡迎詞感謝華美銀行捐助本校奬學金美金$3000元外,並感謝張經理教導本校小朋友了解金錢的觀念及如何儲蓄的觀念。照片:華美銀行張經理穗聰(Katherine Zhang)、華僑學校王憲筠、戚蓮萍老師與學生合影。

New York Chinese School was pleased to host a financial literacy workshop courtesy of 8th Avenue Branch Manager, Katherine Zhang,  and Marketing Specialist, Jessica Weng, on September 18th, 2018, which illuminated topics like (1) earning money, (2) setting goals, (3) borrowing and lending, and (4) buying decision. The presentation was well-received by our afterschool students.

Principal Jennifer Wang delivered a welcome speech thanking East West Bank for their $3000 donation to our school and Ms. Zhang for educating our afterschool students on the aforementioned topics. Photo: (Left) Principal Wang, Branch Manager Katherine Zhang, Ms. Lianping Qi, and students; (Right) engaged students brandishing their handouts during the workshop.




          8/17/2018  大紀元時報:華僑學校暑期班畢業 300學童秀才藝  



          6/16/2018  世界日報:華僑學校畢業典禮 頒發勉勵基金



           ● 4/3/2018 世界日報: 黃鼎明 捐款紐約華僑學校3000元  




          3 /26/2018 大紀元時報:美青年交臺灣女友 學中文唱情歌          



           ● 3/24/2018 星島日報:「紀念青年節暨青年表彰大會」 僑校頒獎優秀青年


          ● 3/3/2018 世界日報:華僑學校慶元宵 百名校友聯歡



          ● 1/23/2018 僑報(視頻):華僑中文學校詩詞歌曲吟唱賽 精彩紛呈 


          ● 1/6/2018 世界日報: 紐約僑校將成立校友會 聯繫情感