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照片從左至右:梁漢本主席、 陳少明經理、黃本立副總裁、李可星元老董事、 王憲筠、 于金山主席 、曾偉康主席。

雲吞食品公司 向僑校捐贈5千元
報道來源|Origin of Article: 星島日報|Singtaousa
記者|Reporter: 丁文妍    日期|Date: 2022年1月29日

The New York Chinese School in Manhattan’s Chinatown held the 2022 New York Chinese School Summer Program Final Presentation on August 13th, where more than 300 students finished their Summer school. This is one large NYCS gathering after the recording of the 2022 graduation Rehearsal since the pandemic. Many prominent community leaders and chairman were cordially invited to attend the event.

Chairman Raymond Tsang, the current chairman of New York Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association and president of the New York Chinese School, expressed that in addition to advancing their Chinese study, children can also learn to respect their teachers and parents. He is very delighted to attend the event as a parent to watch the lively wonderful summer presentation this time.

Minister Chen Peiying of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New York encouraged the students to continue studying Chinese and said that children can definitely better understand Chinese culture through participating in the summer program of NY Chinese School with 113 years of history.

Principal Jennifer Wang thanked the 60 overseas Chinese organizations, all sectors of society for their support, the persistence, and trust of all parents allowing students of the school to continue to learn Chinese even during the pandemic. She also commends the teacher’s ability to teach in-person and hybrid. She expressed gratitude to all the volunteers and the support from the community. In addition, the New York Chinese School has two outstanding strengths:

- The New York Chinese School Graduation Fund and

- The Absolute Charter of New York Chinese School were established 

These are all important factors for the New York Chinese School as it allows them to continue to serve the community despite all the challenges.

The New York Chinese School, together with consultant Eric Ng, former chairman of the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association, donated a total of $100,000 to 400 students registering for the Chinese classes during the 2022-2023 school year. The funds will allow more students of all different races to continue learning Chinese and to better serve the community in the near future.


雲吞食品公司28日元老董事李可星與總裁黃本勁、副總裁黃本立及人力資源經理陳少明等人參觀訪問了紐約華僑學校,並捐款5 仟元, 用於任課老師及志願者工作。

李可星表示,公司從2018年開始每年都為華僑捐款5萬元,主要用於資助學生。他在去年11 月份遇見校長王憲筠並了解到華僑學校的情況之後,決定做些什麼幫助他們,因此這次捐款的 5千元會用於獎勵任課老師和績優志願者, 亦包括資深老師,讓大家都能過個好年。

中美联谊会于斌枢机奖学金10月28日分别捐赠纽约华侨学校和Meals For Unity各2500元,做爲優秀學生獎學金和給長者準備食物。下圖為王宪筠、于金山、Brian。

中美联谊会(Sino-American Amity Fund)于斌枢机奖学金10月28日分別捐贈紐約華僑學校和Meals For Unity 各2500元,做爲優秀學生獎學金和給長者準備食物,鼓勵華裔子弟以及支持亞太地區華裔青年在美學習深造,回饋社區。




On October 28th, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce donated 2,500 dollars each to the New York Chinese School and Meals For Unity, as scholarships for outstanding students and food preparation for the elderly. The picture below shows Jennifer Wang, Justin Yu, and Brian.

On October 28th, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce donated 2,500 dollars each to the New York Chinese School and Meals For Unity, as scholarships for outstanding students, food preparation for the elderly, and to encourage and support Chinese children to study Chinese and give back to the community.

Justin Yu, the chairman of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, donated 2,500 dollars to the New York Chinese School on behalf of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce; they said that the promotion of the Chinese language and culture is the purpose of the establishment of the New York Chinese School, and with the funding and support of the community, the New York Chinese School will be able to continue to cultivate Chinese education and carry forward Chinese culture.

The Chinese Chamber of Commerce has given scholarships to outstanding students of the New York Chinese School for many years to encourage students to continue their studies and spread Chinese culture to promote Chinese culture.


報道來源|Origin of Article: 大紀元|Epochtimes
記者|Reporter: 鄭樺    日期|Date: 2022年1月29日

Raymond Tsang, President of the New York Chinese School and Chairman of the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (CCBA) has planned to donate a total of $60,000 from his own salary and personal donation, while Eric Ng, co-founder of CCBA’s Fortunate Graduation Fund, will donate an additional $40,000.These two donations, totaling $100,000, will be used to reduce tuition fees for students of The New York Chinese School to encourage children in the community to continue learning Chinese in spite of the impact of the pandemic. 

Students who register for both fall 2022 and spring 2023 semesters will have their tuition reduced by half in spring 2023. The board of directors has approved the tuition of $250 for each semester, making the tuition $500 in total for both fall 2022 and spring 2023 semester. After receiving the donations, the cost of tuition for the whole year is only $375. The first 400 applications will receive this discount. 

Mr. Tsang and Mr. Ng also said that the “Tuition Subsidy Fund for The New York Chinese School” was set up to encourage children of all ethnic groups in the community to learn Chinese and hopes for them to serve and contribute to the community in the future.






2022 NY Chinese School Summer Camp Presentation





1、{畢業鼓勵基金}設置: 由中華公所顧問伍锐賢及雲吞公司創辦人黃青新先生設立。



照片二:大合照                                                       Photo 2: Large group photo

華僑中校暑期班 成果展演





New York Chinese School 2022 Confucius Ceremony

To commemorate the birthday of Confucius and to embrace Confucius, the great philosopher of history, the New York Chinese School held a ceremony to commemorate Confucius on the 24th. Due to the pandemic, the students did not have time to practice, so the New York Chinese School decided that this year should follow the same method of last year, and the Confucian ceremony should be solemn and simple.

This year's participants are based on senior students and are held on the 5th floor of the New York Chinese School.

The ceremony included reading the life of Confucius and bowing three times to Confucius respectfully.

Principal Jennifer Wang told the students at the ceremony that Confucius was not only a great educator but also a philosopher, who has influenced the inheritance of Chinese history and culture to this day. His life-long practice of the concept of the world for the common good is worthy of the world's respect. Through the ceremony, in addition to honoring teachers on Teacher's Day, she hopes that students will understand the origin of Teacher's Day.
Type your paragraph here.

Photo 3: A scene of sweeping the street

Raymond Tsang and Eric Ng Donated $100,000 To The New York Chinese School

​報道來源|Origin of Article: 星島日報|Singtaousa
記者|Reporter: Wen Yan Ding    日期|Date: July 17, 2022

Photo 4: Preparation before sweeping the street

雲吞公司董事李可星表示,為了回饋社區,今年已是第5年雲吞公司捐贈五萬給中華公所畢業基金, 5年前成立此基金是希望鼓勵本地出生的華人學生堅持學習中文,過去兩年由於疫情的打擊,僑校不少同學退學,隨著疫情平緩,希望同學回校,繼續通過學習中文認識精深博大的中國文化,做個良好公民,服務社區。
彼此從1976年認識的李可星及伍銳賢是推動這畢業金的主要推手,李可星表示,1983年他們經營只是一間普通的造麵廠,與伍銳賢經營的雞蛋公司為鄰居成為合作伙伴,後來增造籤語餅(fortune cookie),發展成今天全美最大的雲吞及籤語餅公司,全部機器運作,每天造7百萬籤語餅營銷美洲及歐洲。
僑校校長王憲筠對雲吞公司十分感激,她表示,僑校在疫情前約有900學生,疫情嚴重打擊下現在只有數十人,今年畢業生只有48人(小學28人,初中15人,高中4 人),雖然影響如此嚴重,但僑校沒有因為疫情而關閉學校,老師及義工以服務社區的愛心一直維持開放,疫情期間維持著實體及網課,在困難中堅持著教與學。
王憲筠說,現在疫情雖然漸趨平緩但仍未全過去,很多家長選擇了子女在網上學習,這也影響了學校的運作,一些資深老師因為不習慣網上教學選擇了退休。現在她希望以暑期班重新啟動僑校運作,所有學費不變,學童可依據程度加入英數及中文課,同時也希望回復僑校鼓樂隊,那是僑校的傳統具特色的樂隊。對僑校課程有興趣者,可電info@nychineseschool.org 或212-226-3320查詢。


中華公所主席兼華僑學校董事長曾偉康 預計將捐贈任內薪資及加上個人捐款總計6萬元,同時中華公所「畢業鼓勵金」(FortunateGraduation Fund)創辦人之一伍銳賢顧問也將加碼個人捐款4萬元。兩項捐款共10萬元將專用於 僑校學生學費減免,以激勵社區子弟不因疫情影響繼續學習中文。

受惠學子可於2022秋季課程與2023春季課程同時報名,2023春季即可直接減免學費一半。目前董事會通過每一學期學費250元,因此一學年兩學期本應繳500元,獲贈獎學金補助後,全年學費僅需375元。報名前400名者可以 享有此項優惠。​

Wonton Food Inc. Donated $50,000 to New York Chinese School as Educational Funds

報道來源|Origin of Article: 大紀元|Epochtimes
記者|Reporter: Xiao Tang Huang    日期|Date: March 24, 2022


2022年「中國城靑少年代表協會」Chinatown Youth Initiatives、紐約中國城靚麗日主辦人Vanessa Chan邀請紐約華僑學校共同參與「紐約中國城靚麗日」。總計二百多人在紐約華埠社區進行服務並把關懷帶給社區。


在會議中,Vanessa 表示此活動的最初使命是為了解決 9/11 後下東區的疏忽問題。之後活動演變成一個由兩部分並讓來自全市各地的年輕人參與獨特的學習體驗。通過學習體驗讓紐約市青年了解到華埠社區、亞裔美國人和其他社區的需求, 並為華埠社區作出一份貢獻使得社區變得更好。

紐約華僑學校校長王憲筠致詞中表示華裔為少數族裔,除了須要彼此支持幫助外,必須加倍付出的努力。其感謝 「中國城靑少年代表協會」及華埠商業共同發展機構執行長陳作舟及本年度贊助商喜運來大酒家、長江餅店、寶榮行等捐贈單位。另特別感謝活動主辦人 Vanessa Chen、Seraphina Ng 和 Jinyu Xu 協調此次活動。除歡迎200多名的「紐約中國城靚麗日」各校高中及大學生外,雙方並簽定協議備忘錄,建立合作夥伴關係。會中亦簡報百年僑校歷史。藉此活動,她並希望未來紐約中國城一天比一天美麗。

Vanessa Chan, a member of The Chinatown Youth Initiatives and the coordinator of 2022 New York Chinatown Beautification Day, invited the New York Chinese School to join the event. A total of more than 100 youth volunteers will serve in New York Chinatown and bring care to the community. This event is divided into two sessions. The first session is an all-day youth conference on September 17 at the New York Chinese School. Youth volunteers will explore and understand the current issues in the Chinatown and Asian-American community. The second session, Clean Up Day, will be held in the Chinatown community on September 18. Youth volunteers will go out onto the streets of Chinatown to clean up and provide care to the Chinatown community.

Venessa mentioned during the conference that the event's original mission was to address concerns about the neglect of post-9/11's Lower East Side, which has since evolved into a two-part event that brings youth from all over the city to participate in a unique learning experience. Through learning experiences, youths will learn about the needs of the Chinatown community, Asian Americans, and other underrepresented communities, and make the Chinatown community better.

Principal of the New York Chinese School, Jennifer Wang thanked the Chinatown Youth Initiatives for creating this event. She especially thanks Vanessa Chen, Seraphina Ng, and Jinyu Xu for coordinating the event. She also mentions creating a partnership with the Chinatown Youth Initiatives. The Chinatown Youth Initiatives and Principal Wang signed a memorandum to create the partnership. She hopes to see Chinatown become more beautiful day after day. 

報道來源|Origin of Article: 大紀元|Epochtimes
記者|Reporter: 黃小堂    日期|Date: 2022年3月24日

雲吞公司捐贈紐約華僑學校 鼓勵培養華裔人才
報道來源|Origin of Article: 世界日報|World Journal
記者|Reporter: 張晨    日期|Date: 2022年1月29日

雲吞公司捐款5萬元 中華公所畢業基金
報道來源|Origin of Article: 星島日報|Singtaousa
記者|Reporter: 周靜然    日期|Date: 2022年3月24日

照片一: 左至右Jinyu Xu 、Vanessa Chen、Seraphina Ng 和校長王憲筠、鄭薏如主任合影
Photo 1: Group photo of Jinyu Xu, Vanessa Chen, Seraphina Ng, principal Jennifer Wang  and Director Zheng Yiru 





2022年9月29日 世界日報 刊載



校長王憲筠表示,百年僑校具獨特的優勢,仰賴先賢先僑的前瞻思維、創建於教會的奉獻精神、僑團及社會賢達、社區及校友的支持、義工主任Elli Wang及布碌崙高中劉國勝團隊的齊心努力,奠定了永續經營的基礎。本學期延攬優秀義工老師持續支援僑校,包括哥倫比亞教師學院林欣儀和倪睿桐,紐約大學的韓雨晴及政府精英人士馮郁雯等義工老師。不僅如此,布碌崙科技高中漢語言藝術研究協會持續派遣30名義工擔任實體與網客助教、辦公室助理,同時協助招生作業宣傳及行銷。


為鼓勵華裔學子,傳達重視教育、回饋社區的理念,以及感謝在疫情下教職工和志願者努力付出,雲吞食品公司28日捐贈5000元給紐約華僑中文學校;此筆捐款和2018年開始的「畢業鼓勵金」(Fortune Graduation Fund)分開,為的是鼓勵學校繼續努力培養下一代華裔人才。



中華公所主席于金山說,疫情對僑校打擊很大,在此期間更需要鼓勵打氣,他感謝雲吞公司捐款, 也感謝伍銳賢創立畢業鼓勵金,推廣中文教育。



2022紐約中國城靚麗日 2022 Chinatown Beautification Day







The New York Chinese School recently held the 2022 New York Chinese School Summer Program Final Presentation, where more than 300 students graduated from summer school. This is the second grand event held by the school following the recording of the 2022 graduation ceremony after the pandemic. In response to the pandemic, only the executive directors of the New York Chinese School were invited including Raymond Tsang, Chairman of the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association, Hanben Liang, Chairman of the Lin Sing Association, Chairman Shaojun Huang of the Wong Family Benevolent Association, Chairman Shaobin Liang of the Hok Shan Society, Vice President Qiusheng Zhao of the Loong Kong Tien Ye Association, Chairman Guojie Xie of the Chinese Freemasons, Secretary Jianhua Mei of the Moy Shee Family Association, Chairman of the Yang Ping Association Wenping Feng, Chairman of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce Lusheng Mei, and Gee Tuck Sam Tuck Association Chairman's Xing Wu and Rong Zhou.

Raymond Tsang said that in addition to students improving their Chinese, and learning to respect teachers and parents, they also participated in the summer camp. He was very happy to attend the event as a parent and watch the students' achievements.

Deputy Ambassador Peiying Chen of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New York delivered a speech, saying that the New York Chinese School helps students better understand Chinese culture through the summer camp and encourages students to continue learning Chinese.

Principal Jennifer Wang thanked the 60 overseas Chinese groups for their funding and support of the school, and the trust of parents since 1909, so that students can continue to learn Chinese during the pandemic. She also thanked teachers for overcoming the challenges of in-person and online teaching, and for the dedication and kindness of the volunteer team and other kind-hearted people. She also introduced: The Graduation Encouragement Fund set up by Eric Ng, consultant of the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association, and Mr.  Ching Sun Wong founder of Wonton Food Company; the New York Chinese School is a permanent public school: in 1962, Attorney Thomas Sung (current Chairman of Abacus Federal Saving Bank) helped register with the New York State Education Department is the reason why the school can stand firm during the pandemic. 

She also thanked Chairman Raymond Tsang and former Chairman Eric Ng for donating a total of 100,000 dollars to provide tuition discounts for the first 400 registered students for the whole school year from 2022 to 2023, encouraging more students to continue learning Chinese regardless of ethnicity and giving back to the community in the future.

【The Epoch Times March 24, 2022 Daily News】(Reported by The Epoch Times New York reporter: Xiao Tang Huang) Director Ke Xing Li, vice president Ben Li Huang, and human resource manager Shao Ming Chen visited Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (CCBA) on March 23, 2022 and donated $50,000 as educational funds to New York Chinese School. Raymond Tsang (President of the New York Chinese School and Chairman of CCBA) is thankful for the continuous support and funding from Wonton Food Inc. to New York Chinese School. 

Raymond Tsang claimed the $50,000 donation received this time will mainly be used for rewarded teachers and volunteers. Due to Covid pandemic, it’s very difficult for New York Chinese School to function with low manpower, but there are many volunteers still coming in to support the school; he also hopes for more and more younger generation Chinese people could give back to the community in the future. 

Jennifer Wang (Principal of New York Chinese School) is thankful to the continuous support and funding from Wonton Food Inc. to New York Chinese School. There was a significant decrease in the number of students for the past two years because of the Covid pandemic, this educational fund from Wonton Food Inc. helped the school continue to service the community, to help students to continue learning the Chinese culture and understand the beauty of Chinese. On the same day, Rui Xian Wu (Ex CCBA chairman) and Han Ben Liang (Lin Sing Association) were present for the donation ceremony. 

Editor: Wen Qi Chen


報道來源|Origin of Article: 大紀元|Epochtimes
記者|Reporter: 李悅    日期|Date: 2022年2月8日


​報道來源|Origin of Article: 星島日報|Singtaousa
記者|Reporter: 丁文妍    日期|Date: 2022年7月17日