62 Mott Street, 3rd Floor

New York, NY 10013

(212) 226-3320

(212) 226-3321

 辦公時間 | Office Hours:
周一到周五 | Mon ~ Fri:9:00 AM ~ 6:00 PM
周六 | Sat:10 AM ~ 4 PM

      周日 | Sunday:Closed


* indicates required

Address 地址:

​​​62 Mott Street, 3rd Floor 
New York, NY 10013

Direction: Take N/Q/R/M/J/Z to Canal Street Subway Station, then walk to Canal St, turn right onto Mott St.

交通指南: 乘坐 N/Q/R/M/J/Z 車到 Canal Street 堅尼街地鐵站,從 Centre St中央街出站,行至 Canal St堅尼街, 往右轉至Mott St勿街再行至62 Mott Street.​

 Telephone 電話: (212)-226-3320       
 Fax 傳真:(212)-226-5413                                

 E-mail 電子郵件:  info@nychineseschool.org