
​A letter from NYCS student’s parent: 家長給校長的一封信

Subject: Outstanding Teachers!
To: principalwang@nychineseschool.org <principalwang@nychineseschool.org>

Hello Principal Wang,
Hope this email finds you well. I just thought you should know how amazing your teachers are. Specifically 江老師 and Ms. Rebecca Frank. My daughter, A♡  attends Ms. Jiang’s chinese class Saturday mornings and Ms. Frank’s art class in the afternoon. They are both such encouraging and positive teachers.
 Audrey, truly enjoys both of their classes. We were only considering the school for virtual classes but we might have to venture out to Chinatown every weekend when this is all over. 
It is hard enough to teach little ones virtually but Ms. Jiang and Ms.Frank does it with such grace. We’ve tried other schools and teachers closer to us but these two teachers are simply outstanding. I am so grateful for all of the encouragement that they gave A [❤] ️so far to make her excited for the next class.  
Thank you. 
Jackie Jiang (A [❤] ’  mom)

Hi 校長:
希望你很好。我只是想你應該知道你的老師有多麼出色。特別是江老師和麗貝卡·弗蘭克女士。我的女兒A♡星期六早上參加江老師的中文課,下午參加弗蘭克女士的美術課。他們都是令人鼓舞和積極的老師。 我的女兒真的很喜歡他們的兩個班級。原先我們只是考慮學校參加這個學期的網路課程;但也許以後到了周末,我們可能不得不每個週末都去唐人街冒險。 網路教學是很困難的,但是江老師和弗蘭克老師是如此的出色。我們嘗試過距離我們更近的其他學校和老師,但是我們選擇了這兩位非常棒的老師。我非常感謝這兩位老師的鼓勵及教導,我的女兒迫不及待的期待下一次的上課。
Jackie Jiang (A [❤] ’  mom)



僑校白鷺及白蕾多媒體簡報全美奪冠| New York Chinese School’s Landry Berat and Langley Berat Earn Gold in NCACLS Multimedia Orientation National Competition

​8月上旬白鷺(Landry Berat),白蕾 (Langley Berat) 姐妹代表紐約華僑學校參賽全美中文學校聯合總會(NCACLS全美15個地區,學生成員近80,000人)舉辦的「2020國語演講和多媒體簡報比賽」,榮獲全美多媒體簡報比賽高年級組第一名的好成績。據悉本年送件參賽學校約30所,近百人報名參賽,競爭激烈;在全美20幾位評審核下奪冠。多媒體簡報決賽獲獎學校計六組,除紐約華僑學校名列第一外,另有西雅圖華文學校、費利蒙中文學校、費利蒙中文學校、矽谷中文學校及麻州勒星頓中文學校分別獲得第二名及第三名及優等獎。華僑學校校長王憲筠表示, 自從疫情3月份實體停課以來,白家八個女兒除了認真參加華僑學校的網路課程外,並努力不懈的刻苦練習,因此八姐妹都進入決賽,而白鷺 (Landry Berat), 白蕾 (Langley Berat)期間一路過關斬將。在比賽中,聲情並茂地演講了《成語和典故,文化永流傳! 》,最終榮獲一等獎!白家八姐妹自小學始不間斷的在紐約華僑學校就讀,個個才藝精湛,除中文演講、歌唱比賽外,另書法、舞蹈、溜溜球、功夫等,亦是表現優異,為僑校帶來至高無上的榮譽。白家姐妹更樹立非華裔家庭學習中文亦可同樣的表現優異,超群出眾。在華僑學校學習的寶貴經歷,註定成為日後人生中無形的財富。藉由白家姐妹學習成果樹立的典範,希望鼓勵更多僑校學生積極參與各項比賽,除宣揚中華文化外,並獲得更多的榮譽。

​In early August, the sisters Landry Berat and Langley Berat, representing New York Chinese School, partook in the 2020 Mandarin Public Speaking and Multimedia Orientation Competition, held by the National Council of Association of Chinese Language Schools (NCACLS has 15 member regions across USA, with nearly 80,000 students in total). They placed first in the senior grade level group for the National Multimedia Orientation Competition. This year, about 30 schools participated, with 100 students competing under the oversight of 20 judges. Six schools participated in the finals, with New York Chinese School placing first, Seattle Chinese School placing second, Fremont Chinese School placing third, with Westwood Chinese School, Lexington Chinese School, and Silicon Valley Chinese School all receiving Merit Awards. NYCS Principal Wang states that since the suspension of in-person classes in March, the entire Berat family have been attending NYCS online classes, continually practicing Chinese. Hence, all eight sisters entered the competition, with Landry Berat and Langley Berat entering the finals. With their project, “Idioms, Allusions, and Culture will forever be spread!”, first place was achieved. All eight sisters of the Berat family have been studying at NYCS since elementary school. All of them are exquisitely talented, placing highly in Chinese speech and singing competitions, performing well in  areas of calligraphy, dance, yo-yo, and Kung Fu, continually bringing supreme honor to NYCS. The Berat family sisters also established that non-Chinese families can also be proficient in Chinese. The precious experience of studying at New York Chinese School is destined to become a precious treasure in the future. With the exemplar model set by the Berat sisters' learning achievements, I hope to encourage more students to actively participate in various competitions, while simultaneously promoting Chinese culture, and bringing more honor to the school.


​紐約華僑學校4歲幼低中文班及舞蹈班Amelia及成人中文班的媽媽Karen Jackson 一同為唐人街掃街 Amelia and Karen Jackson, daughter and mother students from NYCS, volunteered to sweep the streets at Chinatown

紐約華僑學校獲捐清潔用品 NYCS Receives Large Donations of Cleaning Supplies from Rule of Law Foundation III



本案經于主席親自指導僑校,於第一時間內藉由國寶銀行董事長孫儀芬及總裁孫儀文的專業協助下,以一星期作業時間即獲得政府的審查通過。是項資助可用於僑校人事及行政經費,對於非營利事業機構的紐約華僑學校亦是一大助力。于主席表示僑校歷史悠久,建校源自1909年,初設校址於Mott 街天主堂,服務社區子弟為該校立校之宗旨。其表示很高興藉由國寶銀行的協助順利獲得是項專款。該款取之於政府,用之於中華語言及文化的推廣,格具特殊意義。僑校將按照規定,75%用於支付教職員薪水、25%則用來支付水電等雜費支出。于主席對於現階段學生實施網路課程學生出席率及成果表示滿意,期僑校學生都能夠珍惜學習的機會,未來有能力並回饋社區及國家。

新聞報告:星島報告 Sing Tao Daily:國寶銀行為僑校 申請「薪資保護貸款計劃」
                 世界日報 World Journal:紐約華僑學校 獲7萬PPP貸款補助



请注意高中生!STEM暑期课程. | Attention High School Students!

介紹夏季STEM研究所。 夏季STEM研究所(SSI)是一個為期6周的虛擬夏季計劃,將于2020年6月21日至8月1日運行。SSI包括(1)數據科學與研究訓練營,(2)大師班講座系列和( 3)指導研究項目。
SSI Bootcamp:學習如何設計和執行數據科學研究項目。 在高中進行數據科學研究很困難。許多學生對科學充滿好奇,想探索計算研究項目,但往往缺乏適當的培訓。 SSI訓練營旨在使有志進取的高中生接受進行計算研究項目的培訓。
SSI將在下周四美國東部時間下午7點(7/14)舉行關于該計劃的信息會議網絡研討會。https://zoom.us/j/95949269316 ​

We have an exciting opportunity for high school students that are interested in the STEM field and are looking to do something over the summer. 
Introducing the Summer STEM Institute.
The Summer STEM Institute (SSI) is a 6-week virtual summer program that will run from June 21 to August 1, 2020. SSI consists of (1) a data science and research boot camp, (2) a Masterclass lecture series, and (3) a mentored research project.
SSI Bootcamp: learn how to design and conduct a data science research project.
Pursuing data science research in high school is hard. Many students are scientifically curious and want to explore computational research projects but often lack the right training to do so. The SSI Bootcamp was designed to empower motivated high school students with the training to conduct computational research projects.
Due to popular demand cost for this program has been lowered. Financial Aid for this is also available, making this a free program if you qualify. 
SSI will be hosting an info session webinar on the program next Thursday at 7 PM (7/14) EDT. https://zoom.us/j/95949269316​

網路課程實施通知更新 | ​NYCS Online Courses Notice Update

Dear parents/guardians:    Wishing you stay safe and healthy!  
Thank you again for your hard work to accompany or assist your child/children for online courses. Our teachers are very dedicated to online courses to conduct Chinese lessons. During this critical moment, we need your continuous assistance.
Regards to the implementation of the online course this semester, we follow the rules and announcements of Mayor’s remarks. Generally speaking, the online courses will continue until the end of the semester. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2020/04/12/nyregion/schools-cuomo-de-blasio-nyc-coronavirus.amp.html
Some parents are very concerned about the summer camp and how to register for the autumn courses. Here we also report to you: In principle, we still follow the relevant policies of the Department of Education, NYC to determine whether the summer camp will open. We will propose the relevant alternatives to parents as soon as possible. Thank you again for your continued support of New York Chinese. We hope that this epidemic will end as soon as possible and return to normal life. Stay healthy and safe. New York Chinese School cares about you!

新聞報告News Release:https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2020/04/12/nyregion/schools-cuomo-de-blasio-nyc-coronavirus.amp.html
紐約市教育局網站NYCDOE Website: https://www.schools.nyc.gov/




僑校分享好消息:長期資助紐約華僑學校的國寶銀行,藉由國寶銀行CEOJill Sung 的專業協助下,紐約華僑學校申請政府PPP專案,短時間內即獲得政府補助金的審查通過。是項資助可用於僑校人事及行政經費,對於非營利事業機構的紐約華僑學校亦是一大助力。另基於安全健康考量,原訂於6月13日畢業典禮將簡化以光碟方式製作贈送畢業班學生,至前主席伍銳賢及雲吞公司創辦人黃青新創立的畢業基金發放將不變,高中生一干元、初中生三百元、小學生一百元,將俟教育局復學日通知而訂定發放時間。
新聞報告:世界日報 World Journal:暑假免費來學中文 紐約僑校回饋社區推優惠

華僑學校關心您及您的家人 | New York Chinese School Cares About You and Your Beloved Ones!​
不要忘了週末班的網路課程喔!請大家加油 [💪] [💪] 也保持健康!
Dear Parents Guardians: 
As a reminder, there will be a weekend online Chinese class every week. Please stay healthy.

New York Chinese School Cares about You and Your families!
** 紐約華僑學校董事長兼中華公所主席 于金山主席 **
*** Shared by Justin Yu Chair-board NYCS and Chairman at CCBA  ***
別忘了給Ashley 一個讚,代表紐約華僑學校參賽哦!
A kind reminder: 
Please give Ashley a little bit encouragement as well. Thank You  [😊]  She represents our school to participate in the competition. 
全美小主播 - 美国中文网





111 years old New York Chinese School has already trained their teachers how to conduct online classes before the NY Department of Education announced the suspension of in-person classes due to the coronavirus situation. Online classes were implemented on March 15. At present, online courses have entered the third week, with student attendance rate about 80%; some classes participation rate have reached 100%. Principal Wang said that despite the turmoil of the epidemic, under the guidance of Chairman Yu and the Board of Directors, with the help of Internet technology, the tradition and purpose of New York Chinese School have not been hindered due to external difficulties. The implementation at this stage has achieved good results. We send most important thanks to the joint efforts of all the teachers, colleagues of the administrative team of the New York Chinese School, volunteers, parents and students, and continuous communication and coordination to overcome the difficulties.

Online teaching is a new method and challenge for teachers and students of overseas Chinese schools. For lower grade students, parents must take the time to accompany the child and assist the teacher throughout the lesson. The students in the lower grades take classes under the guidance of the teacher's video through activities such as singing, dancing, painting, storytelling, and self-introduction. Although on-the-spot response does not have the same effect as the actual in-person class, it can still continue to prompt innovation and growth. The teachers of New York Chinese School have completed the transition from lectures to students to lectures to the camera. The students have adapted to the changes from being in the classroom with their classmates to attending via the computer screen. Such a change is a historical innovation, and it is also the best testimony that the traditional overseas Chinese schools are pioneers of the times.

In the last two weeks of online classes, teachers and students communicated face-to-face online in real time. Teachers provided a learning environment similar to the classroom as much as possible and combined the unique teaching of Chinese classes with online teaching. Online courses have rich teaching resources and diverse media, and teachers can easily obtain and share them. For a better learning experience, teachers attached audio and extended pictures of textbooks and new words to each lesson, showing the teaching content and documents to students in real time, with annotations and explanations.

紐約華僑學校網路教學已開辦 New York Chinese School Teachers Learn How to Run Online Courses

為顧及全校學生及老師安全,紐約華僑學校董事長于金山及全體董事同意自14日起實施階段性停課五周 (至4月19日)。華僑學校校長王憲筠表示若疫情讓整個學期都無法到校學習情況下,網路課程教學替代方案自本周開跑。昨14日前來受訓的老師們學習如何操作電腦執行網路課程,並依據華語向前跑線上內容進行網路教學。

In consideration for the safety of students and teachers, New York Chinese School Chairman Yu and the entire Board of Directors approved a five-week suspension, from March 14th to April 19th. NYCS Principal Wang states that if the situation turns into a state that no longer permits the students to continue attending school for the rest of the semester, the online course alternative program will commence this week. On March 14th, teachers were trained on how to conduct an online course, teaching based on online Chinese language textbooks and workbooks. However, we fully understand that online teaching will have limits on its effectiveness. Hence, in addition to teachers providing content and advice to parents, we encourage parents to participate in teaching their children. The software being utilized, Zoom, can be installed on devices. Principal Wang states the online courses can be smoothly carried out, thanks to charitable people and organizations donating funds to install computers in every classroom and furnishing a computer lab. Thank you Chinese FreeMasons Association General Counsellor Wu and his wife, Former CCBA Chairman Ng, Chinese General Chamber of Commerce Chairman Li, Li’s Family Association Chairman Li, representatives from overseas Chinese Organizations, Culture Center of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New York, Abacus Federal Savings Bank and Cathay Bank. We would also like to thank parents and students for their understanding. New York Chinese School is a non-profit community service school. The Board of Directors agreed to consider a $90 tuition fee reduction for the next semester (based on the current registration refund rules; if the refund is processed, the department will pay 30%) to encourage students to continue studying Chinese.

​停課通知 | School Closure Notice

紐約華僑學校停課配套措施; 將以階段性停課方式實施之。
在停課期間如果家長有任何疑問請發郵件到nycs@nychineseschool.org 或致電給現任班主任。


Dear beloved parents, 
New York Chinese School will implement temporary suspension of classes in a manner of phases. 
We apologize for the lack of response on this important issue as we are continuously receiving updates from New York State and City official sources.
1) In consideration of the current situation, New York Chinese School will suspend in-person weekend classes for 5 weeks, from March 14th to April 19th. NYCS will implement online classes to continue teaching. An email will be sent by your child’s teacher for instructions on how to install the proper software to receive online instruction. 
2) We will decide whether in the future classes will reopen based on the situation.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at nycs@nychineseschool.org or contact your child's teacher.

Thank you dear parents for your support of New York Chinese School during this critical time.

紐約華僑中文學校獲頒 “全美總統志工服務獎”認證組織之一
​Feb 10, 2020
紐約華僑中文學校(New York Chinese School)於本月10 日核准成為全美最高榮譽志工獎項“總統志願服務獎”的認證組織之一。該認證使NYCS能夠表彰為NYCS服務的傑出志願者,並將其授予總統志願服務獎 the President’s Volunteer Service Award。總統志願服務獎是一項由美國總統贊助的全國性獎項,旨在表彰那些為社區服務投入數百小時的傑出志工者。

New York Chinese School is proud to announce that NYCS has been approved as a Certifying Organization for the President’s Volunteer Service Award. This certification enables NYCS to recognize outstanding volunteers in service to NYCS and award them the Presidential’s Volunteer Service Award. The President‘s Volunteer Service Award is a national award under the patronage of the US president that honors volunteers that commit hundreds of hours to community service. New York Chinese School is honored to be approved to be a Certifying Organization for the President’s Volunteer Service Award.

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得悉國寶銀行董事長孫啟誠律師最近與中華公所伍銳賢主 席及紐約華僑學校校長王憲筠研究幫助華僑學校更新學校 教學設備,實現教學系統電腦現代化。經王校長預算及伍 主席的證實,目前華僑學校共有 17 個教室,每一個教室 需要配備電腦設備、投影機、熒幕、視像鏡頭及麥克風。 這一套設備可以幫助教師從網上取得教課資料,同時,當 學生有事不能來教室上課時,可以透過網絡參與課堂教 學。甚至在其他城市的學生,也可以通過這些設備在網絡 上上課。 這些設備的提供不僅大大地提高了學校的教學效 率,也會提高現場在教室的學生上課的興趣,亦對不能去 學校的學生提供了極大的方便,同時擴大了華僑學校的教 育的範圍。目前華僑學校已有 1000 名學生,藉助於這些 新的科技,學校的授課範圍擴大了,去除了地理範圍的限 制。 孫律師表示國寶銀行的宗旨是爲了社區服務,不但在財務方面,也期望對社會教育盡一份綿薄之 力。 所以孫律師對華僑學校的需求非常重視,願意資助華僑學校進行電腦設備的更新。根據伍 主席表示,中華公所成立華僑學校的宗旨是爲了促進僑社的中文教育及推廣中國文化的傳播。一 直以來,孫律師對華僑學校的需求非常重視。國寶銀行非常樂意能夠在此方面和華僑學校合作。 根據王校長的預算,上述的設備大約$26,000.00,這一筆費用由孫律師籌備,會交送給學校, 由中華公所主席照此預算支付。 王校長亦提及紐約華僑學校的保安監測系統設備已逾 20 多年,過於陳舊。如果沒有好的保安檢 測系統,對於新安裝電腦教學設備缺乏安全保障。同時,學生的安全考量亦非常重要。因此需要 更新此保安監測系統。學校需要安裝 32 台新的保安攝像頭、兩臺 NVR,四台電腦屏幕,包括 人工,共計$14,000。這一筆費用由孫律師籌備交予紐約華僑學校,由中華公所伍主席按照預算 支付。 所有的電腦設備、投影機、保安攝像系統等加上安裝費用,一共預算約$40,000.00。                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

Abacus Bank plans to help New York Chinese school update the computers and security monitoring system Abacus bank chairman Mr. Thomas Sung has recently discussed with CCBA (Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association) President Eric Ng and the New York Chinese School Principle Jennifer Wang, about updating the teaching equipment for the New York Chinese School. According to Principle Wang and CCBA President Eric Ng’s confirmation, there are 17 classrooms in the school, and each of which needs to be equipped with computers, projectors, big screens, video cameras and microphones. The whole set of equipment can help teachers get the online teaching materials; and help students participate the class through internet if the students could not make to the classroom. Even for students from different cities, they can take the New York Chinese School online classes. The whole set of equipment will not only improves the teaching efficiency of the school, makes the class more interesting, but also provides great convenience to students, and expands the scope of education for the school. At present, the school has 1000 students, and with the help of these new technologies and new equipment, the scope of teaching of the schools has been expanded without geographic limits. Abacus bank chairman Mr. Sung said the purpose of the bank is not only serving the community’s financial need. We also like to help with the community in terms of education. Therefore, Mr. Sung takes the needs of the school very seriously, and is willing to sponsor the upgrade of the computer equipment. According to CCBA president Eric Ng, the New York Chinese School was established in order to promote the Chinese Education in Chinese communities and to promote the Chinese Culture. Mr. Sung has always taken the needs of the New York Chinese School very seriously. Abacus bank is very pleased to be able to work with the New York Chinese School in this regard. According to the school’s budget from Principle Wang, the cost of above-mentioned equipment is about $26,000.00. This $26,000 will be prepared by Mr. Sung and will be paid to the school, which will be paid under the supervision of CCBA President’s in accordance with the budget. President Wang also mentioned that the security monitoring system of the school has been in place for more than 20 years and is way too old. If there is no good security detection system, there is no security for the newly installed computer teaching equipment. At the same time, the safety of students is also very important. As a result, the security monitoring system needs to be updated too. The school will need to install 32 new security cameras, two NVRs, and four computer screens, including labors, a total of $14,000. This fee will also be prepared by Abacus Bank Chairman Mr. Sung and will be paid to the school, which will be paid under the supervision of CCBA President’s in accordance with the budget. All computer equipment, projectors, security camera systems, plus installation costs etc., a total budget of approximately $40,000.00.                                                                                                                                         

​世界日报(World Journal):  國寶銀行捐款4萬 助僑校升級設備 擴大中文教育                           
侨报《纽约》(The China Press): 国宝银行助力纽约华侨学校发展                                             
星島日報(Sing Tao Daily): 國寶銀行為紐約華僑學校發展 更新電腦教課及其保安系統計劃



校長王憲筠表示學習中文非常困難,尤其是華裔第三代、第四代接觸中文機會較少,但到了紐約華僑學校,由於老師的專業知識及認真態度,學生的中文程度進步不少,對此家長們對於校方所做的努力給予熱烈的掌聲以示肯定。王校長再度表示家長為何選擇紐約華僑學校:1、紐約華僑學校具備整潔、衞生及安全的校園,這是我們的優勢,我們有美麗的校園。2、紐約華僑學校提供每位畢業生奬學金從小學、初中及高中分別為$100、$300至$1000不等,這是伍鋭賢董事長捐出二年中華公所主席的薪資及其友人雲吞公司黃青新創辦人的德政3、質量不斷的提升:紐約華僑學校除持續與哥大教師學院Columbia Teachers College, 亨特學院Hunter College, 紐約市立大學City College, 布魯克林高中Hope Club, Camba, Baruch High School 等義工團隊合作外,最近更延聘具公立教師證照多位教師,預計分別開辦四年級至六年級免費英文實驗班及數學實驗班,期待為社區華裔子弟做最佳的服務。4、紐約華僑學校近期並邀請New York City Charter School of Arts 該校藝術系主任主持繪畫班,提升繪畫技能。5、歡迎7歲以上的小朋友免費參加具70年代的鼓樂隊。連續二天的展演活動,節目個個精彩萬分,其中遊子吟朗讀,發人深省母愛的偉大;並頒發紐約華僑學校義工奬狀,以資鼓勵。得獎的義工包括王萍、王靜雙胞姊妹引人關注,兩姊妹全力投入糾察隊工作外,並為校園整潔付出心力。


New York Chinese held the end of the 2019 Fall Semester weekend class on January 18th and 19th. Teachers and students of the whole school were happy to prepare for the Semester Show. The auditorium was full of appreciative parents showing their support.

Principal Wang talked about the difficulty of learning Chinese for 3rd and 4th generational children of Chinese descent and how NYCS’s teachers utilize their professional knowledge and serious attitude to uplift the level of their students’ Chinese. Principal Wang went over why New York Chinese School is a top pick for parents: NYCS is a clean learning environment, offers scholarships for graduates, is continually improving its quality of teachers, is striving to offer more diverse classes, and offers free admission to Crimson Kings, a marching band corp with over 70 years of history. NYCS has employed teachers and assistants from New York City Charter School of Arts, Columbia Teachers College, Hunter College, Hunter College, City College of New York, Brooklyn High School Hope Club, Camba, Baruch High School and other volunteer teams.

The two days of performances were wonderful. You Zi Yin gave a thought provoking reading of 母愛的偉大. She was awarded the NYCS Volunteer Certificate for her efforts and encouragement. Wang Ping and Wang Jing were also awarded the Volunteer Certificate for their contributions to school cleanliness and their devotion to the parade team.
Principal Wang invited all parents to promote Chinese language and culture for NYCS. The performance and exhibition of student posters impressed the parents. Through this event, NYCS wishes all students and parents of NYCS in advance: Happy Chinese New Year!

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