老師姓名丨Name: 宋華艷丨Rebecca Song
班級 丨 Class:
幼高 丨Sunday Morning Upper K

62 Mott Street, 3rd Floor

New York, NY 10013

(212) 226-3320

(212) 226-3321


1.漢字筆畫描寫Copy strokes(For new students)
2.拼音練習Copy Pinyin (For new students)
3.數字抄寫Copy numbers 1-10(For new students)
4.生字抄寫Copy characters with Pinyin(For all)
5.拼音抄寫 Copy Pinyin (For all)


1.數字抄寫Copy numbers 1-10(For new students)
2.抄寫第七課課文的拼音(Only copy the Pinyin of Lesson 7)
3.Workbook B page 11-15
4.字詞抄寫:手 是  我們的  我和你   我的手Copy characters with Pinyin(For all)5. 生字:我你們的 Follow the steps to copy the new words with pinyin,  for new students)


1.月份抄寫Copy months 1-12(For new students)
2.抄寫第七課和第八課課文的拼音(Only copy the Pinyin of Lesson 7&8 -pink book or print attachment)- For all
3.生字抄寫(見附件):Copy characters with Pinyin--pink book or print attachment(For all)

4. 詞語抄寫(見附件):Copy phrases with Pinyin--pink book or print attachment(For all)
第七課 和第八課  Textbook B: Lesson 7 & 8 *  each 2 times

1.抄寫 Trace and Copy (pink book or Print attachment)
2.Wookbook B page 22-31
Textbook B:第七課 畫雪人 Lesson 7  Let’s Draw a Snowman * 2 times
第八課 Lesson8下課以後 After class *2 times


1.抄寫 Trace and Copy (Pink book or Print attachment)
2.Wookbook B page 5 and 17: write Pinyin under the words
Textbook B:第七課 畫雪人 Lesson 7  Let’s Draw a Snowman * 2 times
第八課 Lesson8下課以後 After class *2 times


​1.抄寫 Trace and Copy (Pink book or Print attachment)
2. 寫拼音和連一連 Pinyin and Link (attachment or write down in pinkbook)
Textbook B:第七課 畫雪人 Lesson 7  Let’s Draw a Snowman * 2 times
第八課 Lesson8下課以後 After class *2 times
第九課 Lesson9在哪裡 where is it ?*2 times


1. 帶拼音抄寫 Trace and Copy with Pinyin(Pinkbook or Print attachment)
2. 帶拼音詞語抄寫 Trace and copy phrases with Pinyin (attachment or write down in pinkbook)
3. Workbook B page38-47
Textbook B:
第七課 畫雪人 Lesson 7  Let’s Draw a Snowman * 2 times
第八課 Lesson8下課以後 After class *2 times
第九課 Lesson9在哪裡 where is it ?*2 times