2023秋季認字/朗誦/演講比賽丨2023 Fall Semester  recognition, poetry, and speech competitions

農曆新年前夕,國寶銀行為紐約華僑學校提供了1萬元的捐款。捐款儀式在曼哈頓華埠的紐約中華公所舉行,中華公所主席曾偉康、華僑學校校長王憲筠、國寶銀行總裁孫儀文、董事孫儀芬、美東聯成公所主席梁漢本和紐約台山寧陽會館主席伍健平出席。 孫儀文介紹,從她的父輩時代開始,華僑學校就是國寶銀行的長期贊助對象,而她的家族與華僑學校的淵源更可追溯至60年前,1962年,當時還是律師的國寶銀行創辦人孫啟誠,就積極幫助學校申請完全特許學校的立案。 王憲筠表示,疫情爆發以來,學校能夠順利開展線上教學,得益於國寶銀行價值4萬元的網路設備,使社區華人子弟能夠堅持學習中文,並有了更多種學習方式的選擇。曾偉康表示,國寶銀行多年來堅持貢獻華埠社區、支持華僑學校,是美國華裔資本的典範。

On the eve of the Lunar New Year, Abacus bank provided a donation of $10,000 to the New York Chinese School. The donation ceremony took place at the New York Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association in Manhattan's Chinatown, attended by Chairman Raymond Tsang of the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association, Principal Jennifer Wang of the New York Chinese School, President Jill Sung, Director Vera Sung of Abacus Bank, Chairman Hanben Liang of the Lin Sing Association, and Chairman Jianping Wu of Hoy Sun Ning Yung Benevolent Association.
Jill Sung introduced that since the time of her ancestors, the New York Chinese School has been a long-term beneficiary of Abacus Bank's sponsorship. The connection between her family and the school can be traced back to 60 years ago, in 1962, when the founder of Abacus Bank, Qicheng Sung, then a lawyer, actively assisted the school in applying for its establishment as a fully chartered institution.
Principal Wang stated that since the outbreak of the pandemic, the school has been able to carry out online teaching smoothly, thanks to the $40,000 worth of network equipment donated by Abacus Bank. This has enabled Chinese children in the community to continue learning Chinese and have more options for learning methods. Raymond Tsang expressed that Abacus Bank's persistent contribution to the Chinatown community and support for the New York Chinese School over the years have set an example for Chinese-American capital.


​The New York Chinese School held a magnificent piano recital on January 6th and 7th, showcasing not only the students’ talents but also captivating the parents in attendance. Throughout the concert, the students demonstrated remarkable progress and outstanding performances with wholehearted dedication. This concert was not merely a showcase but also a testament to the students’ artistic leaps. Parents nodded in admiration throughout, lavishing praise on their children’s performances. 
Beyond skill enhancement, this concert planted seeds of confidence in the children’s heart. The stage provided an excellent opportunity for them to showcase their talents, fostering increased confidence in both music and life. Principal Jennifer Wang stated that since its founding in 1909, the school has been dedicated to serving the community. With the evolving times, the establishment of piano classes aimed to provide more opportunities for the community’s children to learn new things. This piano concert not only allowed parents to directly appreciate their children’s learning achievements but also served as a presentation of their growth.
This piano recital successfully refined the students’ skills, gradually unfolding their confidence amid the musical notes. As the concert concluded successfully, it left behind not only enchanting melodies but also the footprints of children’s confidence and growth.

僑校校長王憲筠表示僑校宗旨為傳承中華文化及語言,而學習中文就是傳承文化的重要指標之一。學習中文本是難事,對於那些沒有中文基礎的各族裔學生可謂難上加難。僑校校長王憲筠表示僑校宗旨為傳承中華文化及語言,而學習中文就是傳承,所以無論得獎與否,每一位參賽學生都需給予鼓勵與肯定;並鼓勵全校每位學生,藉由演講比賽訓練自己語言溝通能力,未來不但可以為自己發聲,並可為家人、社會及國家發聲。另外,經由演講訓練,並可增強自信心及提升自我自表達的能力。身為僑校的一份子,能够提供並營造一個快樂學習的環境,倍感驕傲。 本年度認字詩詞演講比賽活動,獲得全校師生的熱烈參與,圓滿成功。
詩詞歌曲比賽各組前三名得獎者:週六班幼稚园:第一名Brooke Shang-Rohs,第二名Celine Yang,第三名Wilson Hang, 優秀獎為Jalen Tu, Kaitlyn Chen;小學組:第一名Alyssa Wu, 第二名Nigel Ho, 第三名Brandon Tsay, 優秀獎為Ethan Chen, Naomi Chen, Sylvia Shiu; 週日班幼稚園:第一名徐慧玲,第二名Aileen Chhan,第三名Bella Au-Yeung,優秀獎為Max Huang;小學組:第一名Landon Liu,第二名Alice Wu。
朗誦比賽各組前三名得獎者:週六小學部:第一名Allison Chan;第二名Benjamin Zheng,第三名Kyle Clothey;週日第一名Edward Chiu,第二名Jill Li,第三名Thint Myat Kyaw,優秀獎為Katherine Chiu;
演講比賽各組前三名得獎者:週六小學部:第一名Rosemary Lin 林雨晨,第二名Ali Shum Aleyasin 岑雅理,第三名Meiyi Li 李美怡;週日小學部:第一名张进铭;初中部:第一名林靜瀅。

The New York Chinese School held recognition, poetry, and speech competitions on January 6th and 7th to help students improve their Chinese language skills. With the efforts of all students and teachers, the event was successfully completed. Approximately 400 people participated, and students showcased their hard work through lively performances, earning numerous applause.
Principal Jennifer Wang emphasized the importance of learning Chinese as a way to preserve Chinese culture. He encouraged all students, regardless of winning or not, to be encouraged and recognized for their efforts. He urged students to participate in speech competitions to improve their language communication skills, enabling them to speak up for themselves, their families, society, and the country in the future. Furthermore, speech training can enhance confidence and self-expression skills. As a member of the school, he felt proud to create a happy learning environment.
The competition received enthusiastic participation from all students and teachers, achieving complete success.
Winners of the poetry and song competition:
Saturday Kindergarten: 1st place Brooke Shang-Rohs, 2nd place Celine Yang, 3rd place Wilson Hang, Excellence Awards Jalen Tu, Kaitlyn Chen.Elementary School Group: 1st place Alyssa Wu, 2nd place Nigel Ho, 3rd place Brandon Tsay, Excellence Awards Ethan Chen, Naomi Chen, Sylvia Shiu.
Sunday Kindergarten: 1st place Xu Huiling, 2nd place Aileen Chhan, 3rd place Bella Au-Yeung, Excellence Award Max Huang.
Elementary School Group: 1st place Landon Liu, 2nd place Alice Wu.
Winners of the recitation competition:
Saturday Elementary School: 1st place Allison Chan, 2nd place Benjamin Zheng, 3rd place Kyle Clothey.
Sunday: 1st place Edward Chiu, 2nd place Jill Li, 3rd place Thint Myat Kyaw, Excellence Award Katherine Chiu.
Winners of the speech competition:
Saturday Elementary School: 1st place Rosemary Lin, 2nd place Ali Shum Aleyasin, 3rd place Meiyi Li.
Sunday Elementary School: 1st place Trenton Cheong.
Middle School: 1st place Ashley Lin.

認字比賽各組前三名得獎者:週六班幼稚园:第一名Brooke Shang-Rohs,第二名Aileen Chhan,第三名Celine Yang,Jason Yang, 優秀獎為Wilson Hang, Kailtyn Chen;小學組:第一名趙日恩, 第二名Russell Zheng, 第三名Naomi Chen, Lydia Yu, Brandon Tsay, 優秀獎為吳芷妍,Maribelle Xu; 週日班幼稚園:第一名Mickey Sai-Ngarm,第二名徐慧玲,第三名歐陽穎沁;小學組:第一名Lucas Liu,第二名Kylie Yu, 第三名Chloe Deng;
朗誦比賽各組前三名得獎者:週六小學部:第一名Quintus Wong,第二名Allison Chan,第三名Nina Zhu, 優秀獎:Kyle Clothey, 董凱文,梅依晴;週日小學部:第一名Jill Li,第二名Kelvin Zhang,第三名Katherine Chiu Wu, Tina Jiang,優秀獎為Madeline Moradi, Sybil Uy, Edward Chiu Wu;
演講比賽各組前三名得獎者:小學部:第一名岑雅理,第二名何微亞,第三名Ian Huang;
初中部:第一名趙子華,林靜瀅; 第二名李芯怡,陳俊萊;第三名黃文偉;

New York Chinese School 2024 Graduation Ceremony


On the 22nd, the New York New York Chinese School held its 2024 graduation ceremony, attended by approximately 500 guests, teachers, and students. This event was the most significant since the pandemic. Guests presented graduation certificates and scholarships to the students. 
2024 marks the 115th anniversary of the New York Chinese School, numerous organizations such as the Chinese Freemasons, Hoy Sun Ning Yung Benevolent Association, On Leong Merchants Association, Hip Sing Association, Inc., New York Eng Suey Sun Association, Hoi Pang Association N.Y., Lin Sing Association, Hok Shan Society, Gee Poy Kuo Association, Chung Shan Association, Chinese Musical & Theater Ass’n, Nom Hoy & Sun Tuck Association, Inc., and Wong Family Benevolent Association donated scholarships to the students, creating a festive and lively atmosphere. Several elected officials awarded commendations to the school, praising its enduring spirit of serving the community's students since its founding in 1909.
The school also awarded the Gold Presidential Volunteer Service Award to four volunteers, the Outstanding Teacher Award to 19 teachers, and the Outstanding Student Award to 16 students.
Tony Chuy, Chairman of the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association and Chairman of the New York Chinese School, congratulated the graduates and expressed gratitude for the school's dedication to community service. Chairman Chuy also extended heartfelt thanks to the parents for choosing this school.
Principal Jennifer Wang praised all the graduates for their hard work and persistence. During the introduction of the guests, she thanked consultant Eric Ng of the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association for his foresight in 2018, donating his entire salary and, together with Wonton Company founder Ching Sun Wong, established the "Fortune Graduation Fund" to encourage Chinese children to learn about Chinese culture. Since 2018, Wonton Company has donated $50,000 annually. Reflecting on the pandemic period, she acknowledged the ongoing support and sponsorship from the Chairman, board members, and the community, which helped the century-old school overcome a challenging phase.
The pandemic changed the world, altered lives, and affected interpersonal relationships, but New York Chinese School has steadfastly continued serving the community's children.
This year, in addition to 42 kindergarten graduates, 33 students (including 15 elementary students, 12 middle school students, and 6 high school students) received awards, with a total of $11,100 in scholarships. On behalf of all the school's teachers and students, they expressed their gratitude and best wishes.
Finally, they thanked the 60 organizations that have supported the school since its founding in 1909, the broader community, and the parents for their persistence and trust. The school will continue to uphold and promote the rich tradition of Chinese culture and language, striving for even greater achievements.

2024年畢業典禮|2024Graduation Ceremony

僑社星岛日报: 雲吞公司向僑校捐款5萬元
Wonton Food Company Donates $50,000 to New York Chinese School

伍銳賢介紹,自己與黃青新相識數十年,隨著雲吞食品公司的不斷發展,黃青新與伍銳賢二人遂商議設置畢業獎學金項目,由雲吞公司旗下青新文化藝術基金會捐資,向每年從校畢業、並有意繼續學習中文的畢業生頒發獎學金。2018年,黃青新與時任中華公所主席的伍銳賢正式創建了中華公所華僑學校畢業鼓勵金(Fortune Graduation Fund) 。

On the 18th, Wonton Company donated another $50,000 to New York Chinese School to support its operations. The handover ceremony was attended by Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association Chairman Tony Chuy, New York Chinese School Principal Wang, and CCBA and New York Chinese School consultant Eric Ng.
Eric Ng introduced that he has known Ching Sun Wong for decades. As Wonton Food Company continued to develop, Ching Sun Wong and Eric Ng decided to establish a graduation scholarship project, funded by the Wonton Company’s Ching Sun Cultural and Arts Foundation. This scholarship is awarded annually to graduates who are interested in continuing their Chinese studies. In 2018, Ching Sun Wong and Chairman of the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association, Eric Ng, officially established the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association New York Chinese School Graduation Encouragement Fund (Fortune Graduation Fund).
This fund has made New York Chinese School the only Chinese school among over 300 large Chinese schools in the United States to award graduation scholarships, thus becoming one of the school’s strengths. The fund provides $300 and $1,000 scholarships to each middle and high school student, respectively. In 2019, the scholarship was extended to elementary students, each receiving $100. Since 2018, hundreds of graduating students have benefited from this fund.
As a staunch supporter of education, Ching Sun Wong not only donates $50,000 annually to the school's graduation scholarship fund and contributes to the school's operations fund but also sponsored the establishment of the Greater New York Chinese Education Foundation’s "Wonton Food Achievement Scholarship" in 2017. He donates $120,000 annually to support children from Asian families in the restaurant industry across the United States to complete their education, earning him a reputation as a philanthropic entrepreneur in the community. On behalf of all the teachers and students of the New York Chinese School, Principal Wang expressed gratitude for Wonton Food Company’s long time support. She also encouraged community students to cherish the opportunity to learn Chinese, apply their knowledge in the future, and in the future give back to society.

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2024春季認字/朗誦/演講比賽丨2024 Spring Semester  recognition, poetry, and speech competitions


New York Chinese School 2024 Graduation Ceremony







Recently, New York Chinese School held its 2024 graduation ceremony at the New York Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association in Manhattan's Chinatown. Over 500 people, including teachers, students, representatives from the overseas Chinese community, and officials, attended the ceremony, making it the largest graduation ceremony since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. New York Chinese School has over 115-years of history, providing a platform for American Chinese children to learn Chinese and traditional Chinese culture. Over the past century, it has nurtured many local students who are proficient in Chinese and passionate about Chinese culture. Many of which have become a symbol of the Chinatown community.

Tony Chuy, Chairman of the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association and Principal of the New York Chinese School, expressed gratitude to the parents for their trust in this century-old school and to the New York Chinese School for its continuous contributions to community service. Principal Jennifer Wang especially thanked consultant Eric Ng of the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association and companies like Wonton Company for their long-term donations to the school.

This year, 33 elementary, middle, and high school students received scholarships totaling $11,100. The scholarships were donated by over ten overseas Chinese associations under the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association. Additionally, four students received the Presidential Volunteer Service Award, 19 received Outstanding Teacher Awards, 16 received Outstanding Student Awards, and 30 received Outstanding Volunteer Awards.

In addition to representatives from various overseas Chinese groups under the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association, attendees included Deputy Director Lixian Zhang of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New York, City Council Member Christopher Marte, CEO Norman Wong 黃本勁 of Wonton Company, Board Member Ho Sing Lee, and CEO Jill Sung of Abacus Bank.

Furthermore, State Senator Brian Kavanagh delegated a community representative to attend, and Mayor's Office AAPI Special consultant Ms Winnie Greco, also made an appearance. City Councilman Christopher Marte also awarded a certificate of commendation to the New York Chinese School.

世界日報: 雲吞食品公司向華僑學校捐款5萬元
Wonton Foods Donates $50,000 to Chinese School to Encourage Learning Chinese

據悉,此筆捐款將進入由中華公所設立的「畢業鼓勵基金」(Fortune Graduation Fund),每年向華僑學校的小學、初中和高中畢業生發放從百元到千元不等的獎學金以資鼓勵,旨在鼓勵更多華裔學子學習中文並傳承中華文化,並在學成後回饋社區。

On the 18th, Wonton Foods donated $50,000 to the New York Chinese School through the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association, with the goal of encouraging Chinese-American students to continue learning Chinese as well as Chinese cultures. The donation will also support the school's daily operations.
This year marks the seventh year Wonton Foods has donated to the Chinese School, with only a pause in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This donation will go into the "Fortune Graduation Fund" established by the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association. The fund aims to encourage more Chinese-American students to learn Chinese and pass on the culture, providing scholarships ranging from hundreds to thousands of dollars annually to elementary, middle, and high school graduates.
Lee Ho Sing, a Board member at Wonton Foods, stated that it has become a tradition to donate to the Chinese School annually. Encouraging Chinese-American children to learn Chinese is of great significance. Last year, in addition to rewarding students, some teachers were also rewarded. He hopes the donations can continue.
Eric Ng, an advisor and former chairman of the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association, said he has known Lee Ho Sing for 48 years due to business interactions and they became friends. Over the years, they have been thinking about how to better help the Chinese community. In 2017, they decided to establish the encouragement fund and later included elementary students in the award scope. Although donations paused for a year during the initial pandemic period, their original intention to help the next generation has never changed. Those attending the donation ceremony included the chairman of the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association, Tony Chuy, the chairman of the Lin Sing Association, Hanben Liang, and the chairman of the New York Hoy Sun Ning Yung Benevolent Association, Kenny Ng.
Principal Jennifer Wang of the Chinese School stated that Wonton Foods' donation is of great significance to the school's sustainable operation. Currently, many Chinese-American students' first language is English, and many give up learning Chinese. This fund can attract them to learn Chinese and greatly benefits low-income families. "For Chinese people striving in mainstream society, knowing Chinese is a major advantage."
The Chinese School, registered as a charter school in 1962, offers after-school classes and weekend Mandarin and Cantonese classes for students and adults, as well as math preparatory classes, SAT prep classes, painting classes, programming classes, kung fu classes, and more. Currently, the school has about 400 students. 


紐約華僑學校(New York Chinese School)日前在曼哈頓華埠舉辦【2023年秋季成果展演】活動,共有400多名學童從秋季班結業。 家長親臨會場見證學生們的學期學習成果,全場洋溢著熱鬧與溫馨的氣氛。
節目結束後,家長代表紐約安良工商總會元老鄧遐勳為部分優秀教師頒發了總統義工獎。獲獎老師共有五名,分別是紐約大學研究生的韓雨晴和程曉萌、康乃薾大學研究生何鵬亮、【大都會國際兒童事工】(Metro World Child )指導老師許晨,以及布魯克林科技高中的王妤諾。

New York Chinese School recently held its "2023 Fall Final Presentation" event In Manhattan's Chinatown, where over 400 students graduated from their classes. Parents attended the event to witness their children's academic achievements. The fall semester's final performance aimed to hone students' performance skills and confidence, presented in a diverse range of formats including static and dynamic exhibitions. The event began with a historical video about the school, narrating its century-long history since its establishment in 1909, the long-standing support from 60 Chinese associations and community members, and the school's accomplishments since September 2018.
Performances included kindergarten dances like "Little Flowers" and "Congratulations," which received enthusiastic applause from parents for their lively and adorable performances. Second-grade students recited the poem "Water Melody" with powerful voices, expressing their understanding of poetic art and conveying inner emotions to the audience.
Following the program, Chairman Xiaxun Deng, representing the On Leong Merchants Association, presented the Presidential Volunteer Award to outstanding teachers. The five awardees were graduate students from New York University, Han Yuqing and Cheng Xiaomeng, graduate student Jacky He from Cornell University, instructor Teresa Hsu from Metro World Child, and Janel Wang from Brooklyn Technical High School.
Principal Jennifer Wang thanked parents, 60 Chinese associations, and the community for their continued support, as well as school staff and volunteers for their dedication. She noted that while the post-pandemic environment has brought changes to the afterschool education industry, the Chinese School remains steadfast in providing a safe and clean learning environment and educational platform for community children.

雲吞公司|Wonton Food Company



APRIL XU MAY 31, 2024 



一群4到6岁的孩子们排成三排,齐声唱着: “爱你哟,爱你哟,你是我的全宇宙”。他们的脸上洋溢着兴奋的笑容,跟着老师充满活力的动作随着欢快的歌曲一起将手举过头顶比成心型。这些孩子是纽约华侨学校(New York Chinese School)的学生,他们在为即将到来的文艺汇演作准备。 





纽约移民记事网(Documented)采访了纽约中文学校的校长王宪筠(Jennifer Wang)以及一位学生的家长,为您讲述这个传奇且历史悠久的机构的故事。 
















纽约华侨学校屡获殊荣的鼓乐队“深红国王鼓乐队”的历史图片。图片由纽约华侨学校提供 “十年树木,百年树人,”王校长强调说,该校的使命不仅是教授学生语言,更重要的是传授中国传统和文化遗产,并在学生心中植入回馈社区的意识。 



九个孩子的母亲、下曼哈顿居民贝拉特(Lynn Berat,音译)表达了谈及纽约华侨学校时充满感情:“我们与这所学校已有约20年的渊源。我们没有任何与中国有关的背景,但学校感觉就像是我们的另一个家。我的女儿们非常喜欢这里,每个人都对我们非常好,现任校长也很棒。” 



纽约华侨学校1929年的毕业照的局部图。图片由纽约移民记事网(Documented)记者许可翻拍 115年历史的学校面临疫情及后疫情的挑战 







王校长强调,学校多年来一直提供学费低廉的课程,中文课每学期通常约为290美元。每年,学校为毕业生提供100至1000美元不等的奖学金。她说:“总的来说,我们是为所有学生提供几乎免费的语言课程。” 她说,这项奖学金是由中华公所顾问伍锐贤(Eric Ng)和云吞公司创始人黄青新(Chin Sun Wong)赞助的,他们共同设立了这个毕业奖励基金。 
